тури в карпатитури в закарпаттяавтобусні тури в європуРегулярні автобусні пасажирські перевезення в Європуодноденні екскурсії

Tourist company “EtnoSvit”

Everyone knows that traveling enriches a person’s inner world, broadens his horizons and develops his personality.
A comfortable, informative and interesting trip can relieve stress and relax the nervous system, and sometimes help fulfill a secret dream.

About us - travel company EtnoSvit

Travel company “EthnoSvit” like no other knows about the importance of positive emotions that you can get by making one of the proposed trips to Ukraine, because we have been working since 2014 and as of the beginning of 2022 we have more than 25,000 satisfied customers.

We have prepared an incredible kaleidoscope of offers for you, including:

  1. Trips on weekends or holidays;
  2. Excursion tours to the Carpathians;
  3. Excursion tours in Transcarpathia;
  4. One-day trips to the most interesting places in the country;
  5. Ski tours in Bukovel;
  6. Ski tours to Dragobrat;
  7. Multi-day tours;
  8. Trips to visit natural wonders depending on the season.

Together with us, you can travel from many cities of the country, guaranteed to receive the best level of service and support of professional guides and tour guides. We offer:

Among the operating principles of the travel company “EthnoSvit” are always a moderate approach to pricing, which ensures a democratic cost of our tours, as well as a careful selection of professional drivers and escorts, places of food and accommodation for travelers, which ensures comfortable conditions for rest and a good mood of all our tourists.

After visiting at least one of our tours, you will definitely be impressed by our passion for travel and understand how much more there is to see and visit. We independently organize and conduct all our trips, as well as constantly improve each of our tours. Having extensive experience in organizing travel, the company “EthnoSvit” constantly offers new interesting tours to most regions of Ukraine. Among our assortment, you can find exotic and popular destinations, as well as exclusive trips that are not available from competitors.

Our company has sufficient experience and a great desire to bring joy to travelers, expand horizons, and also develop tourism in Ukraine. Together with us, you can join most of the natural, historical or modern monuments, folk customs, traditions, forgotten beliefs and atmospheric places of our country.

We invite you to join our friendly family of lovers of bright and unforgettable emotions, which provide safe, interesting and professionally organized tours and trips offered by the travel company “EthnoSvit”.

You are always welcome!

EtnoSvit – the world of your travels!

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