тури в карпатитури в закарпаттяавтобусні тури в європуРегулярні автобусні пасажирські перевезення в Європуодноденні екскурсії

Tours to the Carpathians

Tours to the Carpathians, bus tours to the Carpathians, individual tours to the Carpathians, tours to the Carpathians. Vacation in the Carpathians from the EtnoSvit travel company. Weekend tours to the Carpathians – We will give you only bright impressions!

Departure dates: 23.02 ...

Winter trip to the Carpathians for 1 day from Lviv
Price: 595 UAH

Departure dates 13.02 / 20.02 / 27.02 / 06.03 / 13.03 / 20.03 / 27.03 / 03.04 / 10.04...

Regular ski tour to Bukovel for the weekend, departure from Kyiv on Thursdays
Price: from 5395 UAH

Departure dates13.02 / 20.02 / 27.02 / 06.03 / 13.03 / 20.03 / 27.03 / 03.04 / 10.04…

Regular bus ski tour to the Carpathians for 3 days of skiing
Price: from 6795 UAH

Departure dates 15.02 / 01.03 / 15.03 / 29.03 / 12.04 / 26.04...

Summer vacation in Bukovel for 1 day
Tour price: 795 UAH

Departure dates: 16.02 / 23.02 / 02.03 / 09.03 / 16.03 / 23.03 / 30.03 / 06.04 / 13.04...

Tour to Bukovel
Tour price6195 UAH

Departures: 20.02 \ 13.03

Trip to Bukovel and Hutsul region for 4 days
Price:  UAH 2745

Tour dates: 20.02 / 13.03 ...

Ski tour to Dragobrat from Lviv
Price:  UAH 2745

Departure dates03.04 • 10.04 • 17.04 • 24.04 • 01.05 • 08.05 • 15.05 • 22.05 • 29.05 • 18.09 • 25.09 • 02.10 • 09.10 • 16.10 • 23.10 • 30.10.…

Tour to the Carpathians with a hike in the mountains
Price: від 5295 UAH

Tour date: 22.02...

A trip to the Carpathians in winter from Lviv for 6 days
Price: 3995 UAH

https://www.actualidadambiental.pe/dunia/ https://cellerdelroser.es/ dunia188 https://sporr.es/ https://alumni.poltekkespalembang.ac.id/page/