тури в карпатитури в закарпаттяавтобусні тури в європуРегулярні автобусні пасажирські перевезення в Європуодноденні екскурсії

Tourist sites that we visit on the tour «PEARLS OF PODOL»

→ Tour program «PEARLS OF PODOL»

Chervonogorodsky castle | The place for the foundation of the fortification was chosen in the picturesque area of the Podilsk Mezhyhirya. Here the Juryn River flows in a valley surrounded by wooded hills. Flowing in the valley, the river forms an almost closed loop. In the center of this “loop” rises a high hill, and on it – Chervonogorod Castle. The river served as a good natural defense for the castle hill, as the channel, encircling the hill on three sides, created a serious obstacle in the way of the enemy.

Dzhurynsky waterfall is not only the highest (16m) plain waterfall in Ukraine, but also one of the most beautiful and atmospheric places in the Ternopil region. Dzhurynsky waterfall is a miracle that a mere mortal cannot describe in words. Several cascades and rushing water flows. The water rushes at great speed, creating a sea of foam, splash and incredible noise.

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