тури в карпатитури в закарпаттяавтобусні тури в європуРегулярні автобусні пасажирські перевезення в Європуодноденні екскурсії

Sights of Poland

Not far from Przemyśl, in the village of Krasiczyn, in a picturesque park with exotic plants, there is one of the most charming castles in Poland – the Krasycki Castle, built between 1580 and 1631. This Renaissance-Baroque fortress impresses with its four exquisite towers: God’s Tower, Papal Tower, Royal Tower, Noble Tower. The castle walls are decorated with sophisticated decor in the sgraffito style. History shows that many kings and prominent personalities visited this magnificent place. We invite you to get acquainted with this unparalleled beauty

Przemyśl is one of the oldest cities of Galicia, which was the capital of a separate Russian principality. Before World War II, the city was an important center of Ukrainian cultural and church life. The history of this beautiful city on Syan has intertwined the destinies of the Polish and Ukrainian peoples, and it deserves the attention of Ukrainians to visit it and admire its beauty and history. What is worth seeing in Przemyśl: 11 interesting places.

Are you looking for “tours to Warsaw from Ukraine”? Let’s immerse ourselves in the atmosphere of this magical city together! Warsaw suffered from the fascist regime during the war, but the indomitable will of the Poles led to its restoration. Today, the Old Town of Warsaw is the pride of UNESCO, because it is a striking example of restoration skills.

Krakow is one of the oldest cities and a pearl of the national cultural heritage not only of Poland, but of the whole of Europe. It is a city of Polish kings with an interesting centuries-old history and ancient architecture. This city is over a thousand years old. For many centuries, Krakow was the place of coronation of the kings of Poland. The royal road has been preserved to this day, and it begins at the Florian Gate and leads to Wawel Castle. The oldest part of Krakow – the Old Town – was surrounded by fortress walls, on the site of which now Planty is an original park.

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